I’ll See It When I Believe It

The Place, 2018

Past events exist, after all, only in memory, which is a form of imagination. The event is real now, but once it's then, its continuing reality is entirely up to us, dependent on our energy and honesty.’ Ursula Le Guin

For this creation, I worked with the cast to develop a practice of embodying memories, inviting their personal histories and wild imaginations to move them through the work. Recalled experiences become an internal terrain for their hearts and minds to navigate and rewrite physically in real space. The work's final moments exists within a collective domain as the cast succumb to the body itself as a driver, evoking the urgent energy of a cultural memory, such as the rallying crowds of a protest or a celebration. Theo Clinkard

Photographs: Camilla Greenwell


Concept, Design & Direction: Theo Clinkard
Costume & Props: Sophie Donaldson
Lighting: Michael Mannion


Saju Hari


Leila McMillan